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CodeEasily Courses

Basics of Coding 1


Basics of Coding is our introductory coding class designed for beginners of all ages!

  • Master the Scratch programming language, developed by MIT

  • Create their own games, stories, videos, and other fun projects throughout the semester

  • Understand fundamental coding concepts such as loops, sequences, events, scripts, vectors, and parallelism

  • Complete a robust curriculum that includes hands-on projects, screen-free activities, class discussions, and various group-oriented tasks


This class will be:

  • Held weekly beginning January 23rd, 2024 and scheduled in Eastern Time Zone

    Each class will last 15 weeks (excluding one week for Thanksgiving)

  • Limited to 15 students to ensure that each student gets personalized care & instruction

  • Taught by a college student majoring in Computer Science or a related field

  • Recorded to provide students an opportunity to make up any missed classes


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